 | Acceso al texto completo restringido a Biblioteca INIA La Estanzuela. Por información adicional contacte bib_le@inia.org.uy. |
Registro completo
Biblioteca (s) : |
INIA La Estanzuela; INIA Treinta y Tres. |
Fecha : |
12/09/2014 |
Actualizado : |
11/10/2019 |
Tipo de producción científica : |
Artículos en Revistas Indexadas Internacionales |
Autor : |
Afiliación : |
GEORGGET ELIZABETH BANCHERO HUNZIKER, Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria (INIA), Uruguay; GRACIELA QUINTANS ILARIA, Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria (INIA), Uruguay. |
Título : |
A pre-partum lift in ewe nutrition from a high-energy lick or maize or by grazing Lotus uliginosus pasture, increases colostrum production and lamb survival. |
Fecha de publicación : |
2009 |
Fuente / Imprenta : |
Animal, v. 3. n. 8, p. 1183-1188, 2009. |
ISSN : |
1751-7311 |
DOI : |
10.1017/S1751731109004571 |
Idioma : |
Inglés |
Notas : |
Article history:Received 13 June 2008/ Accepted 24 March 2009/ First published online 24 April 2009. |
Contenido : |
Abstract: This experiment tested the hypothesis that a lift in the nutrition of ewes, before lambing, to increase colostrum production
would enhance lamb survival. In all, 261 mature Corriedale ewes, each with a single fetus from a synchronised mating, grazed
native pasture to day 130 after mating; at which point they were weighed, condition scored and allocated to graze either
native pasture or a pasture dominant with Lotus uliginosus. Five days later (14 days before the expected start of lambing)
the ewes were allocated to one of four treatments and fed: (i) native pasture alone, (ii) native pasture plus a commercial
high-energy lick, (iii) L. uliginosus pasture alone or (iv) L. uliginosus pasture plus whole maize. The weight, viscosity and
concentration of components and immunoglobulin G in the colostrum that had accumulated at parturition, were measured
for 10 ewes in each treatment. The lambs that survived to 20 days of age from the 221 ewes that were not milked, were
recorded. The ewes supplemented with the lick or maize grain and those that grazed the L. uliginosus pasture alone
accumulated two to three times more colostrum at birth than the ewes that grazed native pasture alone (396, 635 and 662 g v.
206 g; P , 0.01). The colostrum from the ewes that grazed only native pasture was more viscous (lower score) than that from
the ewes supplemented with the lick or maize grain or the ewes that grazed the L. uliginosus pasture alone (scores of 4.1 v.
6.2, 6.5 and 6.4, P , 0.001) and, not surprisingly, the concentration of lactose in the colostrum of the ewes fed only native
pasture was also much lower (1.1% v. 3.0%, 2.8% and 2.6%; P , 0.001). The survival of lambs from the ewes fed only native
pasture was less than that of the lambs from ewes fed native pasture plus the commercial lick (81.8% v. 95.5%; P , 0.05)
or the L. uliginosus pasture alone (92.4%, P , 0.05), and also tended to be lower than that for lambs born to ewes fed
L. uliginosus pasture plus maize (91.8%, P 5 0.08). The concentration of glucose in the blood of the lambs from the ewes
that grazed only native pasture was lower than that of the other lambs (42.1 v. 60.2 ng/ml, P 5 0.012). We conclude that the
marked increase in colostrum production associated with the lift in ewe nutrition, just prior to lambing, enhanced lamb survival MenosAbstract: This experiment tested the hypothesis that a lift in the nutrition of ewes, before lambing, to increase colostrum production
would enhance lamb survival. In all, 261 mature Corriedale ewes, each with a single fetus from a synchronised mating, grazed
native pasture to day 130 after mating; at which point they were weighed, condition scored and allocated to graze either
native pasture or a pasture dominant with Lotus uliginosus. Five days later (14 days before the expected start of lambing)
the ewes were allocated to one of four treatments and fed: (i) native pasture alone, (ii) native pasture plus a commercial
high-energy lick, (iii) L. uliginosus pasture alone or (iv) L. uliginosus pasture plus whole maize. The weight, viscosity and
concentration of components and immunoglobulin G in the colostrum that had accumulated at parturition, were measured
for 10 ewes in each treatment. The lambs that survived to 20 days of age from the 221 ewes that were not milked, were
recorded. The ewes supplemented with the lick or maize grain and those that grazed the L. uliginosus pasture alone
accumulated two to three times more colostrum at birth than the ewes that grazed native pasture alone (396, 635 and 662 g v.
206 g; P , 0.01). The colostrum from the ewes that grazed only native pasture was more viscous (lower score) than that from
the ewes supplemented with the lick or maize grain or the ewes that grazed the L. uliginosus pasture alone (scores of 4.1 v.
6.2, 6.5 and 6.4, P , ... Presentar Todo |
Palabras claves : |
Thesagro : |
Asunto categoría : |
-- L51 Fisiología Animal - Nutrición |
Marc : |
LEADER 03397naa a2200337 a 4500 001 1050212 005 2019-10-11 008 2009 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d 022 $a1751-7311 024 7 $a10.1017/S1751731109004571$2DOI 100 1 $aBANCHERO, G. 245 $aA pre-partum lift in ewe nutrition from a high-energy lick or maize or by grazing Lotus uliginosus pasture, increases colostrum production and lamb survival.$h[electronic resource] 260 $c2009 500 $aArticle history:Received 13 June 2008/ Accepted 24 March 2009/ First published online 24 April 2009. 520 $aAbstract: This experiment tested the hypothesis that a lift in the nutrition of ewes, before lambing, to increase colostrum production would enhance lamb survival. In all, 261 mature Corriedale ewes, each with a single fetus from a synchronised mating, grazed native pasture to day 130 after mating; at which point they were weighed, condition scored and allocated to graze either native pasture or a pasture dominant with Lotus uliginosus. Five days later (14 days before the expected start of lambing) the ewes were allocated to one of four treatments and fed: (i) native pasture alone, (ii) native pasture plus a commercial high-energy lick, (iii) L. uliginosus pasture alone or (iv) L. uliginosus pasture plus whole maize. The weight, viscosity and concentration of components and immunoglobulin G in the colostrum that had accumulated at parturition, were measured for 10 ewes in each treatment. The lambs that survived to 20 days of age from the 221 ewes that were not milked, were recorded. The ewes supplemented with the lick or maize grain and those that grazed the L. uliginosus pasture alone accumulated two to three times more colostrum at birth than the ewes that grazed native pasture alone (396, 635 and 662 g v. 206 g; P , 0.01). The colostrum from the ewes that grazed only native pasture was more viscous (lower score) than that from the ewes supplemented with the lick or maize grain or the ewes that grazed the L. uliginosus pasture alone (scores of 4.1 v. 6.2, 6.5 and 6.4, P , 0.001) and, not surprisingly, the concentration of lactose in the colostrum of the ewes fed only native pasture was also much lower (1.1% v. 3.0%, 2.8% and 2.6%; P , 0.001). The survival of lambs from the ewes fed only native pasture was less than that of the lambs from ewes fed native pasture plus the commercial lick (81.8% v. 95.5%; P , 0.05) or the L. uliginosus pasture alone (92.4%, P , 0.05), and also tended to be lower than that for lambs born to ewes fed L. uliginosus pasture plus maize (91.8%, P 5 0.08). The concentration of glucose in the blood of the lambs from the ewes that grazed only native pasture was lower than that of the other lambs (42.1 v. 60.2 ng/ml, P 5 0.012). We conclude that the marked increase in colostrum production associated with the lift in ewe nutrition, just prior to lambing, enhanced lamb survival 650 $aOVEJA 650 $aOVINOS 650 $aSUPLEMENTOS ALIMENTARIOS 653 $aALIMENTACION 653 $aFEED SUPPLEMENTATION 653 $aGLUCOSA 653 $aGLUCOSE 653 $aGRAZING 653 $aIMMUNOGLOBULINS 653 $aLACTOSA 653 $aPASTOREO 653 $aSUPLEMENTACION 700 1 $aQUINTANS, G. 700 1 $aLINDSAY ,D.R. 700 1 $aMILTON, J.T.B. 773 $tAnimal$gv. 3. n. 8, p. 1183-1188, 2009.
Esconder MarcPresentar Marc Completo |
Registro original : |
INIA La Estanzuela (LE) |
Tipo / Formato
 | Acceso al texto completo restringido a Biblioteca INIA Treinta y Tres. Por información adicional contacte bibliott@inia.org.uy. |
Registro completo
Biblioteca (s) : |
INIA Treinta y Tres. |
Fecha actual : |
15/09/2014 |
Actualizado : |
28/05/2020 |
Tipo de producción científica : |
Capítulo en Libro Técnico-Científico |
Autor : |
Afiliación : |
ENRIQUE GERMAN DEAMBROSI CHURRUT, Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria (INIA), Uruguay. |
Título : |
Nitrification and denitrification associated with N2O production in a temperate N-fertilized irrigated uruguayan rice field. |
Fecha de publicación : |
2008 |
Fuente / Imprenta : |
In: Modern multidisciplinary applied microbiology: Exploiting microbes and their interactions, 2008, Reino Unido: Wiley-VCH Verlag. p.416-420 |
DOI : |
10.1002/9783527611904.ch74 |
Idioma : |
Inglés |
Contenido : |
Uruguay is the seventh largest rice exporting country in the world. Nitrogen is the single most limiting factor for rice production. Microbial soil processes, e.g. nitrification, denitrification and mineralization, influence the fate of the ?mobile? N atom. There are gaps in the understanding of key processes that govern N cycling, availability and plant acquisition in irrigated rice systems. Nitrous oxide (N2O), a greenhouse gas, is produced as a by-product during nitrification and occurs as an intermediate during denitrification. The use of fertilizers with inhibitors of nitrification has been proposed as a mitigation strategy. This study showed that less than 7% of the total N2O emission from ENTEC®-fertilized soils, containing an inhibitor of nitrification (DMPP: 3.4-dimethylpyrazolephosphate) was due to nitrification. T-RFLP amoA analysis detected the presence of Nitrosomonas and Nitrosospira genera in urea-fertilized plots. |
Palabras claves : |
Thesagro : |
Asunto categoría : |
F04 Fertilización |
Marc : |
LEADER 01787naa a2200253 a 4500 001 1050256 005 2020-05-28 008 2008 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d 024 7 $a10.1002/9783527611904.ch74$2DOI 100 1 $aTARLERA, S. 245 $aNitrification and denitrification associated with N2O production in a temperate N-fertilized irrigated uruguayan rice field.$h[electronic resource] 260 $c2008 520 $aUruguay is the seventh largest rice exporting country in the world. Nitrogen is the single most limiting factor for rice production. Microbial soil processes, e.g. nitrification, denitrification and mineralization, influence the fate of the ?mobile? N atom. There are gaps in the understanding of key processes that govern N cycling, availability and plant acquisition in irrigated rice systems. Nitrous oxide (N2O), a greenhouse gas, is produced as a by-product during nitrification and occurs as an intermediate during denitrification. The use of fertilizers with inhibitors of nitrification has been proposed as a mitigation strategy. This study showed that less than 7% of the total N2O emission from ENTEC®-fertilized soils, containing an inhibitor of nitrification (DMPP: 3.4-dimethylpyrazolephosphate) was due to nitrification. T-RFLP amoA analysis detected the presence of Nitrosomonas and Nitrosospira genera in urea-fertilized plots. 650 $aARROZ 653 $aNITRIFICACION 700 1 $aGONNET, S. 700 1 $aIRISARRI, P. 700 1 $aMENES, J. 700 1 $aFERNÁNDEZ, A. 700 1 $aPAOLINO, G. 700 1 $aTRAVERS, D. 700 1 $aDEAMBROSI, E. 700 1 $aMÉNDEZ-VILAS, A. 773 $tIn: Modern multidisciplinary applied microbiology: Exploiting microbes and their interactions, 2008, Reino Unido: Wiley-VCH Verlag. p.416-420
Esconder MarcPresentar Marc Completo |
Registro original : |
INIA Treinta y Tres (TT) |
Tipo / Formato
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