Registros recuperados : 7 | |
5. |  | ALE, L.; VERGER, M.; FELDMANN, J.; PÉREZ DE VIDA, F.; ROSAS, J.E. Genetics of grain arsenic content in two advanced rice breeding populations. [Abstract] + [Poster]. In: International Temperate Rice Conference (7., 2020, Pelotas, RS), Science & Innovation: feeding a world of 10 billion people: proceedings. Pelotas RS, Brasil, February 9-12, 2020. Brasília, DF : Embrapa, 2020.Biblioteca(s): INIA Treinta y Tres. |
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6. |  | ALE, L.; VERGER, M.; RAAB, A.; FELDMANN, J.; PÉREZ DE VIDA, F.; ROSAS, J.E. Mapeo asociativo de arsénico en grano de arroz en germoplasma avanzado de INIA. In: Terra, J. A.; Martínez, S.; Saravia, H.; Mesones, B.; Álvarez, O. (Eds.) Arroz 2020. Montevideo (UY): INIA, 2020. p. 1-4. (INIA Serie Técnica; 257)Biblioteca(s): INIA Treinta y Tres. |
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7. |  | ROSAS, J.E.; ALE, L.; REBOLLO, I.; SCHEFFEL, S.; AGUILAR, I.; MOLINA, F.; PÉREZ DE VIDA, F. Boosting INIA's Rice Breeding Program with molecular quantitative genetics approaches. [Abstract]. In: International Temperate Rice Conference (7., 2020, Pelotas, RS), Science & Innovation: feeding a world of 10 billion people: proceedings. Pelotas RS, Brasil, February 9-12, 2020. Brasília, DF : Embrapa, 2020.Biblioteca(s): INIA Treinta y Tres. |
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Registros recuperados : 7 | |
Registros recuperados : 7 | |
5. |  | ALE, L.; VERGER, M.; FELDMANN, J.; PÉREZ DE VIDA, F.; ROSAS, J.E. Genetics of grain arsenic content in two advanced rice breeding populations. [Abstract] + [Poster]. In: International Temperate Rice Conference (7., 2020, Pelotas, RS), Science & Innovation: feeding a world of 10 billion people: proceedings. Pelotas RS, Brasil, February 9-12, 2020. Brasília, DF : Embrapa, 2020.Biblioteca(s): INIA Treinta y Tres. |
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6. |  | ALE, L.; VERGER, M.; RAAB, A.; FELDMANN, J.; PÉREZ DE VIDA, F.; ROSAS, J.E. Mapeo asociativo de arsénico en grano de arroz en germoplasma avanzado de INIA. In: Terra, J. A.; Martínez, S.; Saravia, H.; Mesones, B.; Álvarez, O. (Eds.) Arroz 2020. Montevideo (UY): INIA, 2020. p. 1-4. (INIA Serie Técnica; 257)Tipo: Capítulo en Libro Técnico-Científico |
Biblioteca(s): INIA Treinta y Tres. |
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7. |  | ROSAS, J.E.; ALE, L.; REBOLLO, I.; SCHEFFEL, S.; AGUILAR, I.; MOLINA, F.; PÉREZ DE VIDA, F. Boosting INIA's Rice Breeding Program with molecular quantitative genetics approaches. [Abstract]. In: International Temperate Rice Conference (7., 2020, Pelotas, RS), Science & Innovation: feeding a world of 10 billion people: proceedings. Pelotas RS, Brasil, February 9-12, 2020. Brasília, DF : Embrapa, 2020.Tipo: Abstracts/Resúmenes |
Biblioteca(s): INIA Treinta y Tres. |
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Registros recuperados : 7 | |
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