Registros recuperados : 3 | |
2. |  | GBUR, E.E.; STROUP, W.W.; MCCARTER, K.S.; DURHAM, S.; YOUNG, L.J.; CHRISTMAN, M.; WEST, M.; KRAMER, M. Analysis of generalized linear mixed models in the agricultural and natural resources sciences. Madison, (USA): ASA; SSSA; CSSA, 2012. 283 p. Compra libros Bibliotecas 2012Biblioteca(s): INIA Treinta y Tres. |
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3. |  | LEE, F.N.; CARTWRIGHT, R.D.; SLATON, N.A.; NTAMATUNGIRO, S.; PARSONS, C.E.; CANDOLE, B.L.; GBUR, E. Silicon soil amendments do not increase rough rice yield or reduce rice sheath blight severity. ln: Norman, R.J.; Beyrouty, C.A. B.R. Wells Rice research studies 1999. Fayetteville, Arkansas (USA): Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station, 2000. p. 469-474 (AAES Research Series ; 476)Biblioteca(s): INIA Tacuarembó; INIA Treinta y Tres. |
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Registros recuperados : 3 | |
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