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1.Imagen marcada / sin marcar McIntosh, R.A.; Wellings, C.R.; Park, R.F. Wheat rusts : an atlas of resistance genes Canberra: CSIRO, 1995. 200 p
Biblioteca(s): INIA La Estanzuela.
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2.Imagen marcada / sin marcar ROTHWELL , CH.T.; SINGH, D.; OGTROP, F VAN; SØRENSEN, CH; FOWLER, R.; GERMAN, S.; PARK, R.F.; DRACATOS, P. Rapid phenotyping of adult plant resistance in barley (Hordeum vulgare) to leaf rust under controlled conditions. Plant Breeding, February 2019, Volume 138, Issue 1, Pages 51-61.OPEN ACCESS Article history: Received: 18 July 2018|Revised: 31 August 2018|Accepted: 22 September 2018.
Biblioteca(s): INIA La Estanzuela.
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3.Imagen marcada / sin marcar HUERTA-ESPINO, J..; SINGH, R.P.; GERMAN, S.; McCALLUM , B.D.; PARK , R.F.; CHEN, W.Q.; BHARDWAJ, S.C.; GOYEAU, H. Global status of wheat leaf rust caused by Puccinia triticina. Euphytica, v.179, n. 1, p. 143-160, 2011.
Biblioteca(s): INIA La Estanzuela.
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4.Imagen marcada / sin marcar SINGH, D.; ZIEMS, L.A.; DRACATOS, P.M.; POURKHEIRANDISH, M.; TSHEWANG, S.; CZEMBOR, P.; GERMAN, S.; FOWLER, R.A.; SNYMAN, L.; PLATZD, G.J.; PARK, R.F. Genome-wide association studies provide insights on genetic architecture of resistance to leaf rust in a worldwide barley collection. Molecular Breeding, 1 April 2018, Volume 38, Issue 4, Article number 43. Article history:Received: 16 August 2017 /Accepted: 13 March 2018.
Biblioteca(s): INIA La Estanzuela.
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5.Imagen marcada / sin marcar HICKEY, L.T.; LAWSON, W.; PLATZ, G. J.; DIETERS, M.; ARIEF, V. N.; GERMAN, S.; FLETCHER, S.; PARK, R.F.; SINGH, D.; PEREYRA, S.; FRANCKOWIAK, J. Mapping Rph20: a gene conferring adult plant resistance to leaf rusti in barley. In: AUSTRALIAN BARLEY TECHNICAL SYMPOSIUM, 15., 2011, Adelaide, AU. [Proceedings]. [Sydney]: ABTS, 2011.
Biblioteca(s): INIA La Estanzuela.
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6.Imagen marcada / sin marcar HICKEY, L.T.; LAWSON, W.; PLATZ, G. J.; DIETERS, M.; ARIEF V. N.; GERMÁN, S.; FLETCHER, S.; PARK R. F.; SINGH, D.; PEREYRA, S.; FRANCKOWIAK, J. Mapping Rph20: a gene conferring adult plant resistance to Puccinia hordei in barley. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, v. 123, n. 1, p. 55-68, 2011. Article history: First Online: 15 March 2011.
Biblioteca(s): INIA La Estanzuela.
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7.Imagen marcada / sin marcar HICKEY, L.T.; LAWSON, W.; PLATZ, G.J.; FOWLER, R.A; ARIEF, V.N.; DIETERS, M.; GERMAN, S.; FLETCHER, S.; PARK, R.F.; PEREYRA, S.; SINGH, D.; FRANCKOWIAK, J. Mapping quantitative trait loci for partial resistance to powdery mildew in an Australian barley population. Crop Science, v. 52, n. 3, p. 1021-1032, 2012.
Biblioteca(s): INIA La Estanzuela.
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Registros recuperados : 6
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1.Imagen marcada / sin marcar ROTHWELL , CH.T.; SINGH, D.; OGTROP, F VAN; SØRENSEN, CH; FOWLER, R.; GERMAN, S.; PARK, R.F.; DRACATOS, P. Rapid phenotyping of adult plant resistance in barley (Hordeum vulgare) to leaf rust under controlled conditions. Plant Breeding, February 2019, Volume 138, Issue 1, Pages 51-61.OPEN ACCESS Article history: Received: 18 July 2018|Revised: 31 August 2018|Accepted: 22 September 2018.
Tipo: Artículos en Revistas Indexadas InternacionalesCirculación / Nivel : Internacional - --
Biblioteca(s): INIA La Estanzuela.
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2.Imagen marcada / sin marcar SINGH, D.; ZIEMS, L.A.; DRACATOS, P.M.; POURKHEIRANDISH, M.; TSHEWANG, S.; CZEMBOR, P.; GERMAN, S.; FOWLER, R.A.; SNYMAN, L.; PLATZD, G.J.; PARK, R.F. Genome-wide association studies provide insights on genetic architecture of resistance to leaf rust in a worldwide barley collection. Molecular Breeding, 1 April 2018, Volume 38, Issue 4, Article number 43. Article history:Received: 16 August 2017 /Accepted: 13 March 2018.
Tipo: Artículos en Revistas Indexadas InternacionalesCirculación / Nivel : Internacional - --
Biblioteca(s): INIA La Estanzuela.
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3.Imagen marcada / sin marcar HICKEY, L.T.; LAWSON, W.; PLATZ, G. J.; DIETERS, M.; ARIEF, V. N.; GERMAN, S.; FLETCHER, S.; PARK, R.F.; SINGH, D.; PEREYRA, S.; FRANCKOWIAK, J. Mapping Rph20: a gene conferring adult plant resistance to leaf rusti in barley. In: AUSTRALIAN BARLEY TECHNICAL SYMPOSIUM, 15., 2011, Adelaide, AU. [Proceedings]. [Sydney]: ABTS, 2011.
Tipo: Presentaciones Orales
Biblioteca(s): INIA La Estanzuela.
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4.Imagen marcada / sin marcar HICKEY, L.T.; LAWSON, W.; PLATZ, G. J.; DIETERS, M.; ARIEF V. N.; GERMÁN, S.; FLETCHER, S.; PARK R. F.; SINGH, D.; PEREYRA, S.; FRANCKOWIAK, J. Mapping Rph20: a gene conferring adult plant resistance to Puccinia hordei in barley. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, v. 123, n. 1, p. 55-68, 2011. Article history: First Online: 15 March 2011.
Tipo: Artículos en Revistas Indexadas InternacionalesCirculación / Nivel : A - 1
Biblioteca(s): INIA La Estanzuela.
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5.Imagen marcada / sin marcar HUERTA-ESPINO, J..; SINGH, R.P.; GERMAN, S.; McCALLUM , B.D.; PARK , R.F.; CHEN, W.Q.; BHARDWAJ, S.C.; GOYEAU, H. Global status of wheat leaf rust caused by Puccinia triticina. Euphytica, v.179, n. 1, p. 143-160, 2011.
Tipo: Artículos en Revistas Indexadas InternacionalesCirculación / Nivel : A - 2
Biblioteca(s): INIA La Estanzuela.
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6.Imagen marcada / sin marcar HICKEY, L.T.; LAWSON, W.; PLATZ, G.J.; FOWLER, R.A; ARIEF, V.N.; DIETERS, M.; GERMAN, S.; FLETCHER, S.; PARK, R.F.; PEREYRA, S.; SINGH, D.; FRANCKOWIAK, J. Mapping quantitative trait loci for partial resistance to powdery mildew in an Australian barley population. Crop Science, v. 52, n. 3, p. 1021-1032, 2012.
Tipo: Artículos en Revistas Indexadas InternacionalesCirculación / Nivel : A - 1
Biblioteca(s): INIA La Estanzuela.
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Registros recuperados : 6
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