Registros recuperados : 7 | |
3. |  | JOHANSSON, E.; BRANLARD, G.; CUNIBERTI, M.; FLAGELLA, Z.; HÜSKEN, A.; NURIT, E.; PEÑA, R.J.; SISSONS, M.; VÁZQUEZ, D. Genotypic and Environmental Effects on Wheat Technological and Nutritional Quality. In: Igrejas G., Ikeda T., Guzmán C. (eds). Wheat Quality For Improving Processing And Human Health. Cham:Springer. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-34163-3_8 p. 171-204. Article histotory: First Online: 18 March 2020.Biblioteca(s): INIA La Estanzuela. |
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4. |  | VÁZQUEZ, D.; CUNIBERTI, M.; BAINOTTI, C.; MIRANDA, M. Z. DE; SCHEEREN, P. L.; JOBET, C.; CABRERA, G.; KOHLI, M. M.; VERGES, R.; PEÑA, R. J. Grain quality of latin american wheat cultivars: current development and future perspectives. In: CONFERENCIA LATINOAMERICANA CEREALES, 2., 2011, Santiago, Chile. "Key for cereal chain innovation": event guide. Santiago: ICC: Granotec, 2011. p. 100., 2011Biblioteca(s): INIA La Estanzuela. |
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5. |  | VÁZQUEZ, D.; BERGER, A.; CUNIBERTI, M.; BAINOTTI, C.; MIRANDA, M. Z. de; SCHEEREN, P. L.; JOBET, C.; PEÑA, R. J.; CABRERA, G.; VERGES, R. Genotype and environment effects on quality of 23 wheat genotypes cultivated in 20 Latin American environments. In: INTERNATIONAL WHEAT CONFERENCE, 8., 2010, St. Petersburg, RU. Abstracts...: wheat genetics and breeding for grain quality; oral presentations. St. Petersburg: VIR, 2010. p. 493-494.Biblioteca(s): INIA La Estanzuela. |
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6. |  | VÁZQUEZ, D.; BERGER, A.G.; CUNIBERTI , M.; BAINOTTI , C.; ZAVARIZ DE MIRANDA , M.; SCHEEREN , P.L.; JOBET, C.; ZÚÑIGA, J.; CABRERA, G.; VERGES, R.; PEÑA, R.J Influence of cultivar and environment on quality of Latin American wheats. Journal of cereal science , v. 56, n.2, p. 196-203, 2012. Article history: Received 15 August 2011 / Received in revised form / 20 March 2012 / Accepted 27 March 2012.Biblioteca(s): INIA La Estanzuela. |
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7. |  | LADO, B.; BATTENFIELD, S. D.; GUZMÁN, C.; QUINCKE, M.; SINGH, R. P.; DREISIGACKER, S.; PEÑA, R. J.; FRITZ, AL.; SILVA, P.; POLAND, J.; GUTIÉRREZ, L. Strategies for selecting crosses using genomic prediction in two wheat breeding programs. The Plant Genome, 2017, v.10, Issue 2, 12p. OPEN ACCESS Article history: Received: Dec 14, 2016 // Accepted: Mar 18, 2017 // Published: July 6, 2017.
B. Lado and S. Battenfield contributed equally.Assigned to Associate Editor Nicholas Tinker.
This is an open access article distributed under...Biblioteca(s): INIA Las Brujas. |
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Registros recuperados : 7 | |
Registros recuperados : 6 | |
2. |  | JOHANSSON, E.; BRANLARD, G.; CUNIBERTI, M.; FLAGELLA, Z.; HÜSKEN, A.; NURIT, E.; PEÑA, R.J.; SISSONS, M.; VÁZQUEZ, D. Genotypic and Environmental Effects on Wheat Technological and Nutritional Quality. In: Igrejas G., Ikeda T., Guzmán C. (eds). Wheat Quality For Improving Processing And Human Health. Cham:Springer. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-34163-3_8 p. 171-204. Article histotory: First Online: 18 March 2020.Tipo: Capítulo en Libro Técnico-Científico |
Biblioteca(s): INIA La Estanzuela. |
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3. |  | VÁZQUEZ, D.; BERGER, A.; CUNIBERTI, M.; BAINOTTI, C.; MIRANDA, M. Z. de; SCHEEREN, P. L.; JOBET, C.; PEÑA, R. J.; CABRERA, G.; VERGES, R. Genotype and environment effects on quality of 23 wheat genotypes cultivated in 20 Latin American environments. In: INTERNATIONAL WHEAT CONFERENCE, 8., 2010, St. Petersburg, RU. Abstracts...: wheat genetics and breeding for grain quality; oral presentations. St. Petersburg: VIR, 2010. p. 493-494.Tipo: Abstracts/Resúmenes |
Biblioteca(s): INIA La Estanzuela. |
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4. |  | VÁZQUEZ, D.; CUNIBERTI, M.; BAINOTTI, C.; MIRANDA, M. Z. DE; SCHEEREN, P. L.; JOBET, C.; CABRERA, G.; KOHLI, M. M.; VERGES, R.; PEÑA, R. J. Grain quality of latin american wheat cultivars: current development and future perspectives. In: CONFERENCIA LATINOAMERICANA CEREALES, 2., 2011, Santiago, Chile. "Key for cereal chain innovation": event guide. Santiago: ICC: Granotec, 2011. p. 100., 2011Tipo: Abstracts/Resúmenes |
Biblioteca(s): INIA La Estanzuela. |
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5. |  | VÁZQUEZ, D.; BERGER, A.G.; CUNIBERTI , M.; BAINOTTI , C.; ZAVARIZ DE MIRANDA , M.; SCHEEREN , P.L.; JOBET, C.; ZÚÑIGA, J.; CABRERA, G.; VERGES, R.; PEÑA, R.J Influence of cultivar and environment on quality of Latin American wheats. Journal of cereal science , v. 56, n.2, p. 196-203, 2012. Article history: Received 15 August 2011 / Received in revised form / 20 March 2012 / Accepted 27 March 2012.Tipo: Artículos en Revistas Indexadas Internacionales | Circulación / Nivel : A - 1 |
Biblioteca(s): INIA La Estanzuela. |
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6. |  | LADO, B.; BATTENFIELD, S. D.; GUZMÁN, C.; QUINCKE, M.; SINGH, R. P.; DREISIGACKER, S.; PEÑA, R. J.; FRITZ, AL.; SILVA, P.; POLAND, J.; GUTIÉRREZ, L. Strategies for selecting crosses using genomic prediction in two wheat breeding programs. The Plant Genome, 2017, v.10, Issue 2, 12p. OPEN ACCESS Article history: Received: Dec 14, 2016 // Accepted: Mar 18, 2017 // Published: July 6, 2017.
B. Lado and S. Battenfield contributed equally.Assigned to Associate Editor Nicholas Tinker.
This is an open access article distributed under...Tipo: Artículos en Revistas Indexadas Internacionales | Circulación / Nivel : Internacional - -- |
Biblioteca(s): INIA Las Brujas. |
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Registros recuperados : 6 | |
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