Registros recuperados : 2 | |
2. |  | RAMOS, B.; BANCHERO, G.; LA MANNA, A.; CANOZZI, M.E.A.; FERNANDEZ, E.; CLARIGET, J.M. Applicability of an automated supplement feeder to dose titanium dioxide to estimate forage intake, fecal output, and diet digestibility of beef cattle. Applied Animal Science. 2024, Volume 40, Issue 2, pp. 132-141. https://doi.org/10.15232/aas.2023-02448 -- OPEN ACCESS. Article history: Available online 27 March 2024, Version of Record 27 March 2024. -- Correspondence: Clariget, J.; Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria (INIA), Estación Experimental La Estanzuela, Ruta 50 km 11, Colonia,...Biblioteca(s): INIA Las Brujas. |
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Registros recuperados : 2 | |
Registros recuperados : 2 | |
2. |  | RAMOS, B.; BANCHERO, G.; LA MANNA, A.; CANOZZI, M.E.A.; FERNANDEZ, E.; CLARIGET, J.M. Applicability of an automated supplement feeder to dose titanium dioxide to estimate forage intake, fecal output, and diet digestibility of beef cattle. Applied Animal Science. 2024, Volume 40, Issue 2, pp. 132-141. https://doi.org/10.15232/aas.2023-02448 -- OPEN ACCESS. Article history: Available online 27 March 2024, Version of Record 27 March 2024. -- Correspondence: Clariget, J.; Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria (INIA), Estación Experimental La Estanzuela, Ruta 50 km 11, Colonia,...Tipo: Artículos en Revistas Indexadas Internacionales | Circulación / Nivel : Internacional - -- |
Biblioteca(s): INIA Las Brujas. |
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Registros recuperados : 2 | |
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