Registros recuperados : 3 | |
2. |  | SEIXAS, J.N.; SANGIMINO, J.; GIANNITTI, F.; DORSCH, M.; CESAR, D.; RABENECK, D.M.; SILVA-FLANNERY, L.; FAIR, P.; RITTER, J.M. Identification of unexpected Mycobateria in feline and canine cutaneous lesions by PCR on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues. [abstract]. In: ACVP (Annual Meeting, American College of Veterinary Pathologists) and ASVCP (American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology) Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. November 12-15, 2022.Biblioteca(s): INIA Las Brujas. |
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3. |  | GIANNITTI, F.; SILVEIRA, C.S.; BULLOCK, H.; BERON, M.; FERNÁNDEZ-CIGANDA, S.; BENÍTEZ-GALEANO, M.J.; RODRÍGUEZ-OSORIO, N.; SILVA-FLANNERY, L.; PERDOMO, T.; CABRERA, A.; PUENTES, R.; COLINA, R.; RITTER, J.M.; CASTELLS, M. Bovine Polyomavirus-1 (Epsilonpolyomavirus bovis): An emerging fetal pathogen of cattle that causes renal lesions resembling Polyomavirus-associated nephropathy of humans. Viruses, 2022; 14 (9): 2042. OPEN ACCESS. doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/v14092042 Article history: Received 12 August 2022; Revised 8 September 2022: Accepted 9 September 2022; Published 14 September 2022.
Academic Editors: Fernando Bauermann and Mayara Maggioli.
Correspondence authors: Giannitti, F.; Plataforma de...Biblioteca(s): INIA Las Brujas. |
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Registros recuperados : 3 | |
Registros recuperados : 3 | |
2. |  | SEIXAS, J.N.; SANGIMINO, J.; GIANNITTI, F.; DORSCH, M.; CESAR, D.; RABENECK, D.M.; SILVA-FLANNERY, L.; FAIR, P.; RITTER, J.M. Identification of unexpected Mycobateria in feline and canine cutaneous lesions by PCR on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues. [abstract]. In: ACVP (Annual Meeting, American College of Veterinary Pathologists) and ASVCP (American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology) Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. November 12-15, 2022.Tipo: Abstracts/Resúmenes |
Biblioteca(s): INIA Las Brujas. |
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3. |  | GIANNITTI, F.; SILVEIRA, C.S.; BULLOCK, H.; BERON, M.; FERNÁNDEZ-CIGANDA, S.; BENÍTEZ-GALEANO, M.J.; RODRÍGUEZ-OSORIO, N.; SILVA-FLANNERY, L.; PERDOMO, T.; CABRERA, A.; PUENTES, R.; COLINA, R.; RITTER, J.M.; CASTELLS, M. Bovine Polyomavirus-1 (Epsilonpolyomavirus bovis): An emerging fetal pathogen of cattle that causes renal lesions resembling Polyomavirus-associated nephropathy of humans. Viruses, 2022; 14 (9): 2042. OPEN ACCESS. doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/v14092042 Article history: Received 12 August 2022; Revised 8 September 2022: Accepted 9 September 2022; Published 14 September 2022.
Academic Editors: Fernando Bauermann and Mayara Maggioli.
Correspondence authors: Giannitti, F.; Plataforma de...Tipo: Artículos en Revistas Indexadas Internacionales | Circulación / Nivel : Internacional - -- |
Biblioteca(s): INIA Las Brujas. |
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Registros recuperados : 3 | |
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