Registros recuperados : 1 | |
1. |  | RODRÍGUEZ PALMA, R.M.; MICHELINI GARICOÏTS, D.F.; RODRÍGUEZ OLIVERA, T.D.; SARAVIA TOMASINA, C.G.; LATTANZI, F. Nutrient addition to a subtropical rangeland: effects on animal productivity, trophic efficiency, and temporal stability. Original article. Rangeland Ecology & Management. 2024. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rama.2024.05.007 -- [Article in Press] Article history: Received 26 September 2023, Revised 24 April 2024, Accepted 27 May 2024, Available online 8 July 2024. -- Correspondence: Estación Experimental de la Facultad de Agronomía en Salto. Ruta 31 km 21. CP 50000 Salto,...Biblioteca(s): INIA Las Brujas. |
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Registros recuperados : 1 | |
Registros recuperados : 1 | |
1. |  | RODRÍGUEZ PALMA, R.M.; MICHELINI GARICOÏTS, D.F.; RODRÍGUEZ OLIVERA, T.D.; SARAVIA TOMASINA, C.G.; LATTANZI, F. Nutrient addition to a subtropical rangeland: effects on animal productivity, trophic efficiency, and temporal stability. Original article. Rangeland Ecology & Management. 2024. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rama.2024.05.007 -- [Article in Press] Article history: Received 26 September 2023, Revised 24 April 2024, Accepted 27 May 2024, Available online 8 July 2024. -- Correspondence: Estación Experimental de la Facultad de Agronomía en Salto. Ruta 31 km 21. CP 50000 Salto,...Tipo: Artículos en Revistas Indexadas Internacionales | Circulación / Nivel : Internacional - -- |
Biblioteca(s): INIA Las Brujas. |
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Registros recuperados : 1 | |
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