Registros recuperados : 2 | |
2. |  | CULPEPPER, A.S.; GIMÉNEZ, A.; YORK, A.C.; BATTS, R.B.; WILCUT, J.W. Morningglory (Ipomoea spp.) and Large Crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis) Control with Glyphosate and 2,4-DB Mixtures in Glyphosate-Resistant Soybean (Glycine max). Weed Technology, January/March 2001, Volume 15, Issue 1, Pages 56-61. Article history: Received for publication February 14, 2000, and in revised form September 27, 2000.Biblioteca(s): INIA Las Brujas. |
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Registros recuperados : 2 | |
Registros recuperados : 1 | |
1. |  | CULPEPPER, A.S.; GIMÉNEZ, A.; YORK, A.C.; BATTS, R.B.; WILCUT, J.W. Morningglory (Ipomoea spp.) and Large Crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis) Control with Glyphosate and 2,4-DB Mixtures in Glyphosate-Resistant Soybean (Glycine max). Weed Technology, January/March 2001, Volume 15, Issue 1, Pages 56-61. Article history: Received for publication February 14, 2000, and in revised form September 27, 2000.Tipo: Artículos en Revistas Indexadas Internacionales | Circulación / Nivel : Q - 1 |
Biblioteca(s): INIA Las Brujas. |
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Registros recuperados : 1 | |
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