Registros recuperados : 14 | |
14. |  | COUNCE, P.A.; BRYANT, R.J.; BAUTISTA, R.C.; BERGMAN, C.J.; WANG, Y.J.; SIEBENMORGEN, T.J.; MOLDENHAUER, K.A.K.; MEULLENET, J.F. Rice milling quality and starch branching as affected by high night temperatures. ln: Norman, R.J.; Meullenet, J.F. B.R. Wells Rice research studies 2000. Fayetteville, Arkansas (USA): Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station, 2001. p. 259-263 (AAES Research Series ; 485)Biblioteca(s): INIA Tacuarembó; INIA Treinta y Tres. |
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Registros recuperados : 14 | |
Registros recuperados : 1 | |
1. |  | PRAVIA, V.; TERRA, J.A.; SHI, Y.; MACEDO, I.; GOSLEE, S.; KERMANIAN, A.R. Modeling long-term crop-pasture rotations productivity and carbon and nitrogen cycling considering soil carbon saturation. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SOIL ORGANIC MATTER (6., 3-7 Sep. 2017, HARPENDER, UK9. Proceedings. Harpender, UK: BSSS, 2017. p. 26. Session 2 B: Next generation SOM models.Tipo: Abstracts/Resúmenes |
Biblioteca(s): INIA Treinta y Tres. |
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Registros recuperados : 1 | |
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