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1.Imagen marcada / sin marcar SOCA, P.; OLMOS, F.; ESPASANDÍN, A.; BENTANCUR, D.; PEREYRA, F.; CAL, V.; SOSA, M.; DO CARMO, M. Herramientas para mejorar la utilización del forraje del campo natural, el ingreso económico de la cría y atenuar los efectos de la variabilidad climática en sistemas de cría vacuna del Uruguay Capítulo 3. Alternativas de manejo nutricional, control del amamantamiento y tratamientos hormonales durante el posparto. In: QUINTANS, G.; VELAZCO, J.I.; ROIG, G. (Eds.). Seminario de actualización técnica: cría vacuna. Montevideo (Uruguay): INIA, 2008. p. 110-119 (INIA Serie Técnica ; 174)
Biblioteca(s): INIA Treinta y Tres.
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Biblioteca (s) :  INIA Treinta y Tres.
Fecha actual :  21/02/2014
Actualizado :  11/10/2019
Tipo de producción científica :  Artículos en Revistas Indexadas Internacionales
Circulación / Nivel :  A - 1
Afiliación :  JOSÉ ALFREDO TERRA FERNÁNDEZ, INIA (Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria), Uruguay.
Título :  Integrating no-till into crop-pasture rotations in Uruguay: review.
Fecha de publicación :  2004
Fuente / Imprenta :  Soil & Tillage Research, 2004, v. 77, p. 1-13.
DOI :  10.1016/j.still.2003.12.002
Idioma :  Inglés
Notas :  Article history:Received 21 February 2003 ; received in revised form 27 November 2003 ; accepted 9 December 2003.
Contenido :  Abstract Crop pasture rotations (CPR) are unusual around the world but have been the predominant cropping system in Uruguay since the 1960s. Uruguay has a temperate sub-humid climate, 80% of its landscape (16 Mha) is climax grasslands C3 and C4 species. Beef, wool, and dairy are the main commodities. Crops occupy a portion of the remaining 20% land area, primarily on Argiudolls and Vertisols, rotated with seeded grass and legume pastures. Continuous cropping (CC) with conventional tillage (CT) has proven unsustainable due to decreased soil productivity. Seeded pasture periods increased soil productivity. CPR adoption created less variable inter-annual economic results, but soil degradation remained a major concern during the crop cycle using CT. Farmers and technicians became interested in no-till (NT) to reduce erosion and production cost. Currently, approximately 52% of crop producing farms and 25% of dairy farms have adopted NT. This paper synthesizes research results (mainly from long-term experiments) contrasting CC versus CPR with CT (1960?1990) and NT (from 1990). Soil erosion was reduced more than six times with NT in CC, and almost three times in CPR compared with CC using CT; but combining the use of CPR and NT resulted in the same low erosion rate as under natural pasture. The transition from CT to NT is not always easy. The time between herbicide application to pasture and planting of the first crop of the rotation crop cycle with NT is a critical transition fact... Presentar Todo
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Registro original :  INIA Treinta y Tres (TT)
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