 | Acceso al texto completo restringido a Biblioteca INIA La Estanzuela. Por información adicional contacte bib_le@inia.org.uy. |
Registro completo
Biblioteca (s) : |
INIA La Estanzuela; INIA Treinta y Tres. |
Fecha : |
07/04/2016 |
Actualizado : |
11/05/2021 |
Tipo de producción científica : |
Abstracts/Resúmenes |
Autor : |
Afiliación : |
OSCAR MARIO LEMA QUEIJO, INIA (Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria), Uruguay; GUSTAVO WALTER BRITO DIAZ, INIA (Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria), Uruguay; JUAN MANUEL CLARIGET BRIZ, INIA (Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria), Uruguay; EDUARDO FABIAN PEREZ ARRUTTI, INIA (Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria), Uruguay; OLGA RAVAGNOLO GUMILA, INIA (Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria), Uruguay; IGNACIO AGUILAR GARCIA, INIA (Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria), Uruguay; FABIO MARCELO MONTOSSI PORCHILE, INIA (Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria), Uruguay. |
Título : |
Dos años de evaluación de ganancia diaria invernal de terneros con paternidad conocida y su efecto sobre la recría
y terminación. |
Fecha de publicación : |
2015 |
Fuente / Imprenta : |
In: CONGRESO ARGENTINO DE PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL, 38., 2015. Resúmenes. Santa Rosa, La Pampa, AR: ASAS/AAPA, 2015 |
Serie : |
Revista Argentina de Producción Animal, 2015, v.35, Supl.1, p.62 |
ISSN : |
2314-324X |
Idioma : |
Español |
Palabras claves : |
Thesagro : |
Asunto categoría : |
L10 Genética y mejoramiento animal |
Marc : |
LEADER 00951naa a2200253 a 4500 001 1054497 005 2021-05-11 008 2015 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d 022 $a2314-324X 100 1 $aLEMA, O.M. 245 $aDos años de evaluación de ganancia diaria invernal de terneros con paternidad conocida y su efecto sobre la recría y terminación.$h[electronic resource] 260 $c2015 490 $aRevista Argentina de Producción Animal, 2015, v.35, Supl.1, p.62 650 $aDIFERENCIA ESPERADA PROGENIE 653 $aAREA OJO DE BIFE 653 $aDURACIÓN DE LAS ETAPAS DE RECRÍA 653 $aGANANCIAS DIARIAS DE PESO DURANTE EL PRIMER INVIERNO (GDPI) 700 1 $aBRITO, G. 700 1 $aCLARIGET, J. 700 1 $aPEREZ, E. 700 1 $aRAVAGNOLO, O. 700 1 $aAGUILAR, I. 700 1 $aMONTOSSI, F. 773 $tIn: CONGRESO ARGENTINO DE PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL, 38., 2015. Resúmenes. Santa Rosa, La Pampa, AR: ASAS/AAPA, 2015
Esconder MarcPresentar Marc Completo |
Registro original : |
INIA La Estanzuela (LE) |
Tipo / Formato
 | Acceso al texto completo restringido a Biblioteca INIA Treinta y Tres. Por información adicional contacte bibliott@inia.org.uy. |
Registro completo
Biblioteca (s) : |
INIA Treinta y Tres. |
Fecha actual : |
12/09/2014 |
Actualizado : |
11/10/2019 |
Tipo de producción científica : |
Artículos en Revistas Indexadas Internacionales |
Circulación / Nivel : |
A - 2 |
Autor : |
Afiliación : |
GRACIELA QUINTANS ILARIA, Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria (INIA), Uruguay. |
Título : |
Effect of suckling restriction with nose plates and premature weaning on postpartum anoestrous interval in primiparous cows under range conditions. |
Fecha de publicación : |
2009 |
Fuente / Imprenta : |
Animal Reproduction Science, 2009, v. 116, no. 1-2 p. 10-18. |
ISSN : |
0378-4320 |
DOI : |
10.1016/j.anireprosci.2008.12.007 |
Idioma : |
Inglés |
Notas : |
Article history: Received 4 September 2008 // Received in revised form 4 December 2008 // Accepted 9 December 2008 // Available online 14 December 2008. |
Contenido : |
Suckling and nutrition are generally recognized as two major factors controlling the duration of the postpartum anovulatory period. In the present study, the effect of premature weaning and suckling restriction with nose plates (NPs) on cow and calf performance was evaluated. The study was conducted over 2 years; primiparous Hereford cows, weighing (mean+/-S.E.M.) 344+/-3.5kg and with 4.1+/-0.05 units of body condition score (BCS) (scale 1-8 [Vizcarra, J.A., Ibañez, W., Orcasberro, R., 1986. Repetibilidad y reproductibilidad de dos escalas para estimar la condición corporal de vacas Hereford. Investigaciones Agronómicas 7 (1), 45-47]) at calving, remained with their calves until 72.5+/-1.2 days postpartum (day 0). They were then assigned to one of three treatments: (i) calves with free access to their dams and ad libitum suckling (S, n=29); (ii) calves fitted with NPs for 14 days, but remained with their dams (NP, n=29), and (iii) calves that were weaned from their dams (W, n=28). All cows were anestrus at the time treatments commenced (day 0). All cows were blood sampled twice weekly from 1 week before the beginning of the experiment until the end of the mating period (day 74) for progesterone analysis. The mating period began on day 14. Cows in W treatment had ovulations earlier (P<0.05) than those in NP and S groups. Cows in the NP group had longer (P<0.05) intervals between the first progesterone increase and normal luteal phase than cows in the other two treatments groups (23.3+/-3.2 vs. 6.5+/-3.2 and 5.2+/-3.3 days for NP, S and W cows, respectively). Fifty per cent of the cows with NP had a short cycle (7 days) but there was a group of cows that had longer (P<0.05) intervals (66 days) between first progesterone increase and normal estrous activity. In the NP group, 8 of 29 cows had a short luteal phase and then a normal one; for 9 of these 29 cows progesterone concentrations remained low for 6 weeks from the beginning of the treatment; and for 12 of these 29 cows progesterone concentrations initially increased after treatment initiation, but these animals became anestrus thereafter. Short-term suckling restriction with NPs led to a variable response in primiparous cows of moderate body condition under range conditions. MenosAbstract
Suckling and nutrition are generally recognized as two major factors controlling the duration of the postpartum anovulatory period. In the present study, the effect of premature weaning and suckling restriction with nose plates (NPs) on cow and calf performance was evaluated. The study was conducted over 2 years; primiparous Hereford cows, weighing (mean+/-S.E.M.) 344+/-3.5kg and with 4.1+/-0.05 units of body condition score (BCS) (scale 1-8 [Vizcarra, J.A., Ibañez, W., Orcasberro, R., 1986. Repetibilidad y reproductibilidad de dos escalas para estimar la condición corporal de vacas Hereford. Investigaciones Agronómicas 7 (1), 45-47]) at calving, remained with their calves until 72.5+/-1.2 days postpartum (day 0). They were then assigned to one of three treatments: (i) calves with free access to their dams and ad libitum suckling (S, n=29); (ii) calves fitted with NPs for 14 days, but remained with their dams (NP, n=29), and (iii) calves that were weaned from their dams (W, n=28). All cows were anestrus at the time treatments commenced (day 0). All cows were blood sampled twice weekly from 1 week before the beginning of the experiment until the end of the mating period (day 74) for progesterone analysis. The mating period began on day 14. Cows in W treatment had ovulations earlier (P<0.05) than those in NP and S groups. Cows in the NP group had longer (P<0.05) intervals between the first progesterone increase and normal luteal phase than cows in the other two treatm... Presentar Todo |
Thesagro : |
Asunto categoría : |
L53 Fisiología Animal - Reproducción |
Marc : |
LEADER 03194naa a2200241 a 4500 001 1050215 005 2019-10-11 008 2009 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d 022 $a0378-4320 024 7 $a10.1016/j.anireprosci.2008.12.007$2DOI 100 1 $aQUINTANS, G. 245 $aEffect of suckling restriction with nose plates and premature weaning on postpartum anoestrous interval in primiparous cows under range conditions.$h[electronic resource] 260 $c2009 500 $aArticle history: Received 4 September 2008 // Received in revised form 4 December 2008 // Accepted 9 December 2008 // Available online 14 December 2008. 520 $aAbstract Suckling and nutrition are generally recognized as two major factors controlling the duration of the postpartum anovulatory period. In the present study, the effect of premature weaning and suckling restriction with nose plates (NPs) on cow and calf performance was evaluated. The study was conducted over 2 years; primiparous Hereford cows, weighing (mean+/-S.E.M.) 344+/-3.5kg and with 4.1+/-0.05 units of body condition score (BCS) (scale 1-8 [Vizcarra, J.A., Ibañez, W., Orcasberro, R., 1986. Repetibilidad y reproductibilidad de dos escalas para estimar la condición corporal de vacas Hereford. Investigaciones Agronómicas 7 (1), 45-47]) at calving, remained with their calves until 72.5+/-1.2 days postpartum (day 0). They were then assigned to one of three treatments: (i) calves with free access to their dams and ad libitum suckling (S, n=29); (ii) calves fitted with NPs for 14 days, but remained with their dams (NP, n=29), and (iii) calves that were weaned from their dams (W, n=28). All cows were anestrus at the time treatments commenced (day 0). All cows were blood sampled twice weekly from 1 week before the beginning of the experiment until the end of the mating period (day 74) for progesterone analysis. The mating period began on day 14. Cows in W treatment had ovulations earlier (P<0.05) than those in NP and S groups. Cows in the NP group had longer (P<0.05) intervals between the first progesterone increase and normal luteal phase than cows in the other two treatments groups (23.3+/-3.2 vs. 6.5+/-3.2 and 5.2+/-3.3 days for NP, S and W cows, respectively). Fifty per cent of the cows with NP had a short cycle (7 days) but there was a group of cows that had longer (P<0.05) intervals (66 days) between first progesterone increase and normal estrous activity. In the NP group, 8 of 29 cows had a short luteal phase and then a normal one; for 9 of these 29 cows progesterone concentrations remained low for 6 weeks from the beginning of the treatment; and for 12 of these 29 cows progesterone concentrations initially increased after treatment initiation, but these animals became anestrus thereafter. Short-term suckling restriction with NPs led to a variable response in primiparous cows of moderate body condition under range conditions. 650 $aDESTETE 650 $aGANADO DE CARNE 650 $aGANADO VACUNO 650 $aINTERVALO INTERPARTO 650 $aTABLILLA NASAL 700 1 $aVÁZQUEZ, A.I. 700 1 $aWEIGEL, K.A. 773 $tAnimal Reproduction Science, 2009$gv. 116, no. 1-2 p. 10-18.
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Registro original : |
INIA Treinta y Tres (TT) |
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