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Catálogo de Información Agropecuaria

Bibliotecas INIA


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1.Imagen marcada / sin marcar LÓPEZ DE ARMENTIA, L.; NOYA, A.; FERRER, J.; ESCALERA, N.; SERRANO-PÉREZ, B.; QUINTANS, G.; AKESOLO-ATUTXA, O.; SANZ, A. Effects of undernutrition and hydroxytyrosol during last third of pregnancy on newborn vitality and cortisol levels of cow-calf pair. (Session 4, Poster 16). Session 4. Research on young stock care: the journey of calves from gestation onwards. Conference Proceedings. In: Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP), 75., Florence, Italy, 1st-5th September, 2024. Book of Abstracts, No.34: pp. 205. Funded by PID2020-113617RR-C21 FETALNUT. Research group A25-23R. -- Conference website:
Biblioteca(s): INIA Las Brujas.
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1.Imagen marcada / sin marcar LÓPEZ DE ARMENTIA, L.; NOYA, A.; FERRER, J.; ESCALERA, N.; SERRANO-PÉREZ, B.; QUINTANS, G.; AKESOLO-ATUTXA, O.; SANZ, A. Effects of undernutrition and hydroxytyrosol during last third of pregnancy on newborn vitality and cortisol levels of cow-calf pair. (Session 4, Poster 16). Session 4. Research on young stock care: the journey of calves from gestation onwards. Conference Proceedings. In: Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP), 75., Florence, Italy, 1st-5th September, 2024. Book of Abstracts, No.34: pp. 205. Funded by PID2020-113617RR-C21 FETALNUT. Research group A25-23R. -- Conference website:
Tipo: Poster
Biblioteca(s): INIA Las Brujas.
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