Registros recuperados : 18 | |
3. |  | DORSCH, M.; CANTÓN, G.J.; DRIEMEIER, D.; ANDERSON, M.L.; MOELLER, R.B.; GIANNITTI, F. Bacterial, protozoal and viral abortions in sheep and goats in South America: A review. Small Ruminant Research, Volume 205, December 2021, 106547. Doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.smallrumres.2021.106547 Article history: Received 18 May 2021/ Received in revised form 11 August 2021/ Accepted 30 September 2021/ Available online 6 October 2021.Biblioteca(s): INIA La Estanzuela. |
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4. |  | GIANNITTI, F.; ANDERSON, M.; MILLER, M.; ROWE, J.; SVERLOW, K.; VASQUEZ, M.; CANTÓN, G. Chlamydia pecorum: fetal and placental lesions in sporadic caprine abortion. (Brief Communication). Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 2016, v. 28, no. 2, p. 184-189. Article history: First Published March 10, 2016.Biblioteca(s): INIA Las Brujas. |
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5. |  | SCHILD, C.; ARMENDANO, J.I.; LIBOREIRO, M.; BRESKY, F.; MORRELL, E.; ODRIOZOLA, E.; CANTÓN, G. Caudal vena cava thrombosis in a dairy cow (Bos taurus) in Argentina. [Trombose da veia cava caudal em uma vaca leiteira (Bos taurus) na Argentina.] Ciência Rural, 47(6), e20160917. Epub May 04, 2017. Article history: Received: October 05, 2016; Accepted: March 08, 2017; Revised: April 10, 2017.Biblioteca(s): INIA Las Brujas. |
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7. |  | LIBOREIRO, M.; FLORES, C.; ARMENDANO, J.; SCHILD, C.; FERNÁNDEZ, E.; ODRIOZOLA, E.; MORRELL, E.; CANTÓN, G. Spontaneous outbreak of Pascalia glauca poisoning in sheep in Argentina. (Case Report). Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Pathology, 2021, Volume 14, Issue 2, Pages 99-101. OPEN ACCESS. doi: https://doi.org/10.24070/bjvp.1983-0246.v14i2p99-101 Article history: Submitted 29 December 2020; Accepted 22 April 2021.
Corresponding author: Cantón, G.; Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA), Ruta Nacional 226 km. 73.5, Balcarce, Argentina;...Biblioteca(s): INIA Las Brujas. |
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8. |  | SILVEIRA, C.S.; ARMENDANO, J.I.; MOORE, D.P.; CANTÓN, G.J.; MACÍAS-RIOSECO, M.; RIET-CORREA, F.; GIANNITTI, F. A comparative study of commercial ELISAs for antibody detection in the diagnostic investigation of Neospora caninum-associated abortion in dairy cattle herds in Uruguay. [Comparación de ELISAs comerciales para la detección de anticuerpos en la investigación diagnóstica del aborto asociado a Neospora caninum en rodeos lecheros de Uruguay]. Revista Argentina de Microbiología, April - June 2020, Volume 52, Issue 2, Pages 107-114. OPEN ACCESS. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ram.2019.06.004 Article history: Recibido 01 marzo 2019. / Aceptado 24 junio 2019. / Disponible online 28 de Noviembre de 2019.
Corresponding author: da Silva Silveira, C.; Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria (INIA), Plataforma de...Biblioteca(s): INIA Las Brujas; INIA Tacuarembó. |
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9. |  | ODRIOZOLA, E.R.; DORSCH, M.A.; CAFFARENA, D.; MOREIRA, A.R.; FERNÁNDEZ, E.L.; MORRELL, E.L.; CANTÓN, G.J. Systemic granulomatous disease in dairy cattle from Argentina. Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Pathology, March 2019, Volume 12, Issue 1, Pages 19-23. [OPEN ACCESS].Biblioteca(s): INIA La Estanzuela. |
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10. |  | GARCÍA Y SANTOS, C.; GARCÍA, J. A.; DUTRA, F.; LIVIO, J. M.; CORRO, A. C.; CANTÓN, G.; ESCALONA, J.; CAPELLI, A.; MATTO, C.; GIANNITTI, F.; UZAL, F. A. Astylus atromaculatus (pollen beetle) gastrointestinal disease experimentally reproduced in sheep. Brief Communication. Veterinary Pathology, 2025. https://doi.org/10.1177/03009858241309394 -- [Online firt] Article history: Article first published online 30 January 2025. -- Corresponding author: Uzal, F.A.; California Animal HealthFood Safety Laboratory, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis, 105 West Central Avenue,...Biblioteca(s): INIA Las Brujas. |
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11. |  | MACÍAS-RIOSECO, M.; CAFFARENA, D.; FRAGA, M.; SILVEIRA, C.S.; GIANNITTI, F.; CANTÓN, G.; HECKER, Y.P.; SUANES, A.; RIET-CORREA, F. Abortion outbreak caused by Campylobacter fetus subspecies venerealis and Neospora caninum in a bovine dairy herd. (Technical note). [Brote de abortos causado por Campylobacter fetus subespecie venerealis y Neospora caninum en un hato bovino lechero. (Nota de investigación)]. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Pecuarias, 2019, Volume 10, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 1054-1063. OPEN ACCESS. Doi: 10.22319/rmcp.v10i4.5008 Article history: Recibido: 02 Agosto 2018. / Aceptado: 28 Agosto 2018.Biblioteca(s): INIA Las Brujas. |
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12. |  | ODRIOZOLA, E.R.; RODRÍGUEZ, A.M.; MICHELOUD, J.F.; CANTÓN, G.J.; CAFFARENA, D.; GIMENO, E.J.; BODEGA, J.J.; GARDEY, P.; ISEAS, F.B.; GIANNITTI, F. Enzootic calcinosis in horses grazing Solanum glaucophyllum in Argentina. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, v.30, n.2,p.286-289, 2018. OPEN ACCESS. Article history: First Published December 4, 2017.Biblioteca(s): INIA La Estanzuela. |
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13. |  | GARCÍA, J.A.; LIVIO, J.M.; MATTO, C.; DUTRA, F.; SCIOLI, V.; GIANNITTI, F.; LANGSTON, J.; POPPENGA, R.H.; CANTÓN, G.J.; UZAL, F.A. Pollen beetle (Astylus atromaculatus)-associated gastroenteric disease in cattle: report of 6 natural outbreaks. Full Scientific Report. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 2024, Volume 36, Issue 1, Pages 95-102. https://doi.org/10.1177/10406387231215756 Article history: Article first published online: November 29, 2023; Issue published: January 2024. -- Correspondence: Uzal, F.A.; California Animal Health and Food Safety Laboratory, San Bernardino branches, School of Veterinary Medicine,...Biblioteca(s): INIA Las Brujas. |
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14. |  | DORSCH, M.; REGIDOR-CERRILLO, J.; ORTEGA-MORA, L.M.; SCIOLI, M.V.; MORRELL, E.L.; CANTÓN, G.J.; MOORE, D.P.; HECKER, Y.P. Microsatellite genotyping reveals extensive genetic diversity in bovine Neospora caninum from the humid Pampa region in Argentina. Parasitology Research, December 2020, Volume 119, Issue 12, Pages 4049-4059. Doi: https://doi-org/10.1007/s00436-020-06922-x Article history:Received: 12 August 2020 /Accepted: 5 October 2020Biblioteca(s): INIA La Estanzuela. |
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16. |  | GUAL, I.; GIANNITTI, F.; HECKER ,Y.P.; SHIVERS, J.; ENTROCASSI, A.C.; MORRELL ,E.L.; PARDINI, L.; FIORENTINO ,M.A.; RODRÍGUEZ FERMEPIN ,M.; UNZAGA ,J.M.; CANTÓN, G.J.; VENTURINI, M.C.; MOORE, D.P. First case report of Toxoplasma gondii-induced abortions and stillbirths in sheep in Argentina. Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and Reports , v.12, p. 39-42, 2018. History article: Received 4 October 2017 // Received in revised form 8 January 2018// Accepted 9 January 2018 //Available online 11 January 2018.Biblioteca(s): INIA La Estanzuela. |
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17. |  | HECKER, Y. P.; BURUCÚA, M. M.; FIORANI, F.; MALDONADO RIVERA, J. E.; CIRONE, K.M.; DORSCH, M.; CHEUQUEPÁN, F. A.; CAMPERO, L. M.; CANTÓN, G. J.; MARÍN, M. S.; ORTEGA-MORA, L. M.; MOORE, D. P. Reactivation and foetal infection in pregnant heifers infected with Neospora caninum live tachyzoites at prepubertal age. Vaccines, 2022, Volume 10, Issue 8, article 1175. OPEN ACCESS. doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/vaccines10081175 Article history: Received 5 July 2022; Revised 14 July 2022; Accepted 22 July 2022; Published 25 July 2022.
Corresponding author: Hecker, Y.P.; Instituto de Innovación para la Producción Agropecuaria y el Desarrollo Sostenible (IPADS),...Biblioteca(s): INIA Las Brujas. |
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18. |  | RODRIGUEZ, A.M.; SCHILD, C.; CANTÓN, G.J.; RIET-CORREA, F.; ARMENDANO, J.I.; CAFFARENA, D.; BRAMBILLA, E.C.; GARCÍA, J.A.; MORRELL, E.L; POPPENGA, R.; GIANNITTI, F. White muscle disease in three selenium deficient beef and dairy calves in Argentina and Uruguay. (Doença do músculo branco em três bezerros para carne e leite deficientes em selênio na Argentina e Uruguai). Ciência Rural, Santa Maria, v.48, 2018. Epub May 21, 2018. Article History: Received 10.11.17//Approved 04.02.18// Returned by the author 04.28.18.Biblioteca(s): INIA La Estanzuela. |
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Registros recuperados : 18 | |
Registros recuperados : 17 | |
2. |  | SCHILD, C.; ARMENDANO, J.I.; LIBOREIRO, M.; BRESKY, F.; MORRELL, E.; ODRIOZOLA, E.; CANTÓN, G. Caudal vena cava thrombosis in a dairy cow (Bos taurus) in Argentina. [Trombose da veia cava caudal em uma vaca leiteira (Bos taurus) na Argentina.] Ciência Rural, 47(6), e20160917. Epub May 04, 2017. Article history: Received: October 05, 2016; Accepted: March 08, 2017; Revised: April 10, 2017.Tipo: Artículos en Revistas Indexadas Internacionales | Circulación / Nivel : Internacional - -- |
Biblioteca(s): INIA Las Brujas. |
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3. |  | DORSCH, M.; CANTÓN, G.J.; DRIEMEIER, D.; ANDERSON, M.L.; MOELLER, R.B.; GIANNITTI, F. Bacterial, protozoal and viral abortions in sheep and goats in South America: A review. Small Ruminant Research, Volume 205, December 2021, 106547. Doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.smallrumres.2021.106547 Article history: Received 18 May 2021/ Received in revised form 11 August 2021/ Accepted 30 September 2021/ Available online 6 October 2021.Tipo: Artículos en Revistas Indexadas Internacionales | Circulación / Nivel : Internacional - -- |
Biblioteca(s): INIA La Estanzuela. |
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5. |  | GIANNITTI, F.; ANDERSON, M.; MILLER, M.; ROWE, J.; SVERLOW, K.; VASQUEZ, M.; CANTÓN, G. Chlamydia pecorum: fetal and placental lesions in sporadic caprine abortion. (Brief Communication). Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 2016, v. 28, no. 2, p. 184-189. Article history: First Published March 10, 2016.Tipo: Artículos en Revistas Indexadas Internacionales | Circulación / Nivel : Internacional - -- |
Biblioteca(s): INIA Las Brujas. |
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6. |  | LIBOREIRO, M.; FLORES, C.; ARMENDANO, J.; SCHILD, C.; FERNÁNDEZ, E.; ODRIOZOLA, E.; MORRELL, E.; CANTÓN, G. Spontaneous outbreak of Pascalia glauca poisoning in sheep in Argentina. (Case Report). Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Pathology, 2021, Volume 14, Issue 2, Pages 99-101. OPEN ACCESS. doi: https://doi.org/10.24070/bjvp.1983-0246.v14i2p99-101 Article history: Submitted 29 December 2020; Accepted 22 April 2021.
Corresponding author: Cantón, G.; Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA), Ruta Nacional 226 km. 73.5, Balcarce, Argentina;...Tipo: Artículos en Revistas Indexadas Internacionales | Circulación / Nivel : Internacional - -- |
Biblioteca(s): INIA Las Brujas. |
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7. |  | SILVEIRA, C.S.; ARMENDANO, J.I.; MOORE, D.P.; CANTÓN, G.J.; MACÍAS-RIOSECO, M.; RIET-CORREA, F.; GIANNITTI, F. A comparative study of commercial ELISAs for antibody detection in the diagnostic investigation of Neospora caninum-associated abortion in dairy cattle herds in Uruguay. [Comparación de ELISAs comerciales para la detección de anticuerpos en la investigación diagnóstica del aborto asociado a Neospora caninum en rodeos lecheros de Uruguay]. Revista Argentina de Microbiología, April - June 2020, Volume 52, Issue 2, Pages 107-114. OPEN ACCESS. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ram.2019.06.004 Article history: Recibido 01 marzo 2019. / Aceptado 24 junio 2019. / Disponible online 28 de Noviembre de 2019.
Corresponding author: da Silva Silveira, C.; Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria (INIA), Plataforma de...Tipo: Artículos en Revistas Indexadas Internacionales | Circulación / Nivel : Internacional - -- |
Biblioteca(s): INIA Las Brujas; INIA Tacuarembó. |
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8. |  | ODRIOZOLA, E.R.; DORSCH, M.A.; CAFFARENA, D.; MOREIRA, A.R.; FERNÁNDEZ, E.L.; MORRELL, E.L.; CANTÓN, G.J. Systemic granulomatous disease in dairy cattle from Argentina. Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Pathology, March 2019, Volume 12, Issue 1, Pages 19-23. [OPEN ACCESS].Tipo: Artículos en Revistas Indexadas Internacionales | Circulación / Nivel : Internacional - -- |
Biblioteca(s): INIA La Estanzuela. |
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9. |  | MACÍAS-RIOSECO, M.; CAFFARENA, D.; FRAGA, M.; SILVEIRA, C.S.; GIANNITTI, F.; CANTÓN, G.; HECKER, Y.P.; SUANES, A.; RIET-CORREA, F. Abortion outbreak caused by Campylobacter fetus subspecies venerealis and Neospora caninum in a bovine dairy herd. (Technical note). [Brote de abortos causado por Campylobacter fetus subespecie venerealis y Neospora caninum en un hato bovino lechero. (Nota de investigación)]. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Pecuarias, 2019, Volume 10, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 1054-1063. OPEN ACCESS. Doi: 10.22319/rmcp.v10i4.5008 Article history: Recibido: 02 Agosto 2018. / Aceptado: 28 Agosto 2018.Tipo: Artículos en Revistas Indexadas Internacionales | Circulación / Nivel : Internacional - -- |
Biblioteca(s): INIA Las Brujas. |
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10. |  | GARCÍA Y SANTOS, C.; GARCÍA, J. A.; DUTRA, F.; LIVIO, J. M.; CORRO, A. C.; CANTÓN, G.; ESCALONA, J.; CAPELLI, A.; MATTO, C.; GIANNITTI, F.; UZAL, F. A. Astylus atromaculatus (pollen beetle) gastrointestinal disease experimentally reproduced in sheep. Brief Communication. Veterinary Pathology, 2025. https://doi.org/10.1177/03009858241309394 -- [Online firt] Article history: Article first published online 30 January 2025. -- Corresponding author: Uzal, F.A.; California Animal HealthFood Safety Laboratory, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis, 105 West Central Avenue,...Tipo: Artículos en Revistas Indexadas Internacionales | Circulación / Nivel : Internacional - -- |
Biblioteca(s): INIA Las Brujas. |
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11. |  | ODRIOZOLA, E.R.; RODRÍGUEZ, A.M.; MICHELOUD, J.F.; CANTÓN, G.J.; CAFFARENA, D.; GIMENO, E.J.; BODEGA, J.J.; GARDEY, P.; ISEAS, F.B.; GIANNITTI, F. Enzootic calcinosis in horses grazing Solanum glaucophyllum in Argentina. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, v.30, n.2,p.286-289, 2018. OPEN ACCESS. Article history: First Published December 4, 2017.Tipo: Artículos en Revistas Indexadas Internacionales | Circulación / Nivel : Internacional - -- |
Biblioteca(s): INIA La Estanzuela. |
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12. |  | DORSCH, M.; REGIDOR-CERRILLO, J.; ORTEGA-MORA, L.M.; SCIOLI, M.V.; MORRELL, E.L.; CANTÓN, G.J.; MOORE, D.P.; HECKER, Y.P. Microsatellite genotyping reveals extensive genetic diversity in bovine Neospora caninum from the humid Pampa region in Argentina. Parasitology Research, December 2020, Volume 119, Issue 12, Pages 4049-4059. Doi: https://doi-org/10.1007/s00436-020-06922-x Article history:Received: 12 August 2020 /Accepted: 5 October 2020Tipo: Artículos en Revistas Indexadas Internacionales | Circulación / Nivel : Internacional - -- |
Biblioteca(s): INIA La Estanzuela. |
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14. |  | GARCÍA, J.A.; LIVIO, J.M.; MATTO, C.; DUTRA, F.; SCIOLI, V.; GIANNITTI, F.; LANGSTON, J.; POPPENGA, R.H.; CANTÓN, G.J.; UZAL, F.A. Pollen beetle (Astylus atromaculatus)-associated gastroenteric disease in cattle: report of 6 natural outbreaks. Full Scientific Report. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 2024, Volume 36, Issue 1, Pages 95-102. https://doi.org/10.1177/10406387231215756 Article history: Article first published online: November 29, 2023; Issue published: January 2024. -- Correspondence: Uzal, F.A.; California Animal Health and Food Safety Laboratory, San Bernardino branches, School of Veterinary Medicine,...Tipo: Artículos en Revistas Indexadas Internacionales | Circulación / Nivel : Internacional - -- |
Biblioteca(s): INIA Las Brujas. |
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15. |  | GUAL, I.; GIANNITTI, F.; HECKER ,Y.P.; SHIVERS, J.; ENTROCASSI, A.C.; MORRELL ,E.L.; PARDINI, L.; FIORENTINO ,M.A.; RODRÍGUEZ FERMEPIN ,M.; UNZAGA ,J.M.; CANTÓN, G.J.; VENTURINI, M.C.; MOORE, D.P. First case report of Toxoplasma gondii-induced abortions and stillbirths in sheep in Argentina. Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and Reports , v.12, p. 39-42, 2018. History article: Received 4 October 2017 // Received in revised form 8 January 2018// Accepted 9 January 2018 //Available online 11 January 2018.Tipo: Artículos en Revistas Indexadas Internacionales | Circulación / Nivel : Internacional - -- |
Biblioteca(s): INIA La Estanzuela. |
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16. |  | HECKER, Y. P.; BURUCÚA, M. M.; FIORANI, F.; MALDONADO RIVERA, J. E.; CIRONE, K.M.; DORSCH, M.; CHEUQUEPÁN, F. A.; CAMPERO, L. M.; CANTÓN, G. J.; MARÍN, M. S.; ORTEGA-MORA, L. M.; MOORE, D. P. Reactivation and foetal infection in pregnant heifers infected with Neospora caninum live tachyzoites at prepubertal age. Vaccines, 2022, Volume 10, Issue 8, article 1175. OPEN ACCESS. doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/vaccines10081175 Article history: Received 5 July 2022; Revised 14 July 2022; Accepted 22 July 2022; Published 25 July 2022.
Corresponding author: Hecker, Y.P.; Instituto de Innovación para la Producción Agropecuaria y el Desarrollo Sostenible (IPADS),...Tipo: Artículos en Revistas Indexadas Internacionales | Circulación / Nivel : Internacional - -- |
Biblioteca(s): INIA Las Brujas. |
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17. |  | RODRIGUEZ, A.M.; SCHILD, C.; CANTÓN, G.J.; RIET-CORREA, F.; ARMENDANO, J.I.; CAFFARENA, D.; BRAMBILLA, E.C.; GARCÍA, J.A.; MORRELL, E.L; POPPENGA, R.; GIANNITTI, F. White muscle disease in three selenium deficient beef and dairy calves in Argentina and Uruguay. (Doença do músculo branco em três bezerros para carne e leite deficientes em selênio na Argentina e Uruguai). Ciência Rural, Santa Maria, v.48, 2018. Epub May 21, 2018. Article History: Received 10.11.17//Approved 04.02.18// Returned by the author 04.28.18.Tipo: Artículos en Revistas Indexadas Internacionales | Circulación / Nivel : Internacional - -- |
Biblioteca(s): INIA La Estanzuela. |
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Registros recuperados : 17 | |
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