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1.Imagen marcada / sin marcar ROSAS, J.E.; CERETTA, S.; VÁZQUEZ, D.; LARZABAL, J.; LIJUAN, Q.; YONGZHE, G.; BONNECARRERE, V. Assessment of grain quality traits in a Chinese soybean diversity panel. [abstract]. Section A: Breeding, genetics, genomics, and biotechnology. In: Vollmann, J.; Vasiljevc, M.; Rittler, L.; Miladinovic, J.; Murphy-Bokern, D. (eds.). 2023. Soybean Research for Sustainable Development. Abstracts of the World Soybean Research Conference 11 (WSRC 11), 18-23 June 2023, Vienna, Austria. University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria. p.165.
Biblioteca(s): INIA Las Brujas.
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2.Imagen marcada / sin marcar ROSAS, J.E.; LARZABAL, J.; LIJUAN, Q.; YONGZHE, Y.; BONNECARRERE, V.; CERETTA, S. Characterization of the population structure and genetic diversity of a Chinese soybean diversity panel. [abstract] Section A: Breeding, genetics, genomics, and biotechnology. In: Vollmann, J.; Vasiljevc, M.; Rittler, L.; Miladinovic, J.; Murphy-Bokern, D. (eds.). 2023. Soybean Research for Sustainable Development. Abstracts of the World Soybean Research Conference 11 (WSRC 11), 18-23 June 2023, Vienna, Austria. University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria. p.164.
Biblioteca(s): INIA Las Brujas.
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1.Imagen marcada / sin marcar ROSAS, J.E.; CERETTA, S.; VÁZQUEZ, D.; LARZABAL, J.; LIJUAN, Q.; YONGZHE, G.; BONNECARRERE, V. Assessment of grain quality traits in a Chinese soybean diversity panel. [abstract]. Section A: Breeding, genetics, genomics, and biotechnology. In: Vollmann, J.; Vasiljevc, M.; Rittler, L.; Miladinovic, J.; Murphy-Bokern, D. (eds.). 2023. Soybean Research for Sustainable Development. Abstracts of the World Soybean Research Conference 11 (WSRC 11), 18-23 June 2023, Vienna, Austria. University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria. p.165.
Tipo: Abstracts/Resúmenes
Biblioteca(s): INIA Las Brujas.
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2.Imagen marcada / sin marcar ROSAS, J.E.; LARZABAL, J.; LIJUAN, Q.; YONGZHE, Y.; BONNECARRERE, V.; CERETTA, S. Characterization of the population structure and genetic diversity of a Chinese soybean diversity panel. [abstract] Section A: Breeding, genetics, genomics, and biotechnology. In: Vollmann, J.; Vasiljevc, M.; Rittler, L.; Miladinovic, J.; Murphy-Bokern, D. (eds.). 2023. Soybean Research for Sustainable Development. Abstracts of the World Soybean Research Conference 11 (WSRC 11), 18-23 June 2023, Vienna, Austria. University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria. p.164.
Tipo: Abstracts/Resúmenes
Biblioteca(s): INIA Las Brujas.
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