Registros recuperados : 1 | |
1. |  | STEWART, J.E.; ROSS-DAVIS, A.L.; GRAÇA, R.N.; ALFENAS, A.C.; PEEVER, T.L.; HANNA, J.W.; UCHIDA, J.Y.; HAUFF, R.D.; KADOOKA, C.Y.; KIM, M.S.; CANNON, P.G.; NAMBA, S.; SIMETO, S.; PÉREZ, C.A.; RAYMAJHI, M.B.; LODGE, D.J.; ARGUEDAS, M.; MEDEL-ORTIZ, R.; LÓPEZ-RAMIREZ, M.A.; TENNANT, P.; GLEN, M.; MACHADO, P.S.; MCTAGGART, A.R.; CARNEGIE, A.J.; KLOPFENTEIN, N.B. Genetic diversity of the myrtle rust pathogen (Austropuccinia psidii) in the Americas and Hawaii: Global implications for invasive threat assessments. Forest Pathology, v. 48, no. 1, 2017. Article history: Received: 14 February 2017 // Accepted: 3 August 2017.Biblioteca(s): INIA Tacuarembó. |
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Registros recuperados : 1 | |
Registros recuperados : 1 | |
1. |  | STEWART, J.E.; ROSS-DAVIS, A.L.; GRAÇA, R.N.; ALFENAS, A.C.; PEEVER, T.L.; HANNA, J.W.; UCHIDA, J.Y.; HAUFF, R.D.; KADOOKA, C.Y.; KIM, M.S.; CANNON, P.G.; NAMBA, S.; SIMETO, S.; PÉREZ, C.A.; RAYMAJHI, M.B.; LODGE, D.J.; ARGUEDAS, M.; MEDEL-ORTIZ, R.; LÓPEZ-RAMIREZ, M.A.; TENNANT, P.; GLEN, M.; MACHADO, P.S.; MCTAGGART, A.R.; CARNEGIE, A.J.; KLOPFENTEIN, N.B. Genetic diversity of the myrtle rust pathogen (Austropuccinia psidii) in the Americas and Hawaii: Global implications for invasive threat assessments. Forest Pathology, v. 48, no. 1, 2017. Article history: Received: 14 February 2017 // Accepted: 3 August 2017.Tipo: Artículos en Revistas Indexadas Internacionales | Circulación / Nivel : Internacional - -- |
Biblioteca(s): INIA Tacuarembó. |
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Registros recuperados : 1 | |
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