00883nam a2200205 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000170006024501450007726002500022230000100047250000790048265000240056165000190058565000120060470000150061670000150063170000160064670000150066210511512014-10-16 2011 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d1 aBALMELLI, G. aEffects of leaf spotting caused by Mycosphaerella leaf disease and Eucalyptus rust on Eucalyptus globulus in Uruguay.h[electronic resource] aIn: IUFRO WORKING PARTY 7.02.02. Foliage, shoot and stem diseases of forest trees. Global change and forest diseases: new threats, new strategies. Montesclaros Monastery, Cantabria, ES, 23-28 May, 2011. Cantabria: Universidad de Valladolidc2011 ap. 89 aEdited by: Julio Javier Diez, Pablo Martínez-Álvarez and Carmen Romeralo aEUCALYPTUS GLOBULUS aMYCOSPHAERELLA aURUGUAY1 aSIMETO, S.1 aALTIER, N.1 aMARRONI, V.1 aDIEZ, J.J.