01672naa a2200361 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001902400370006010000180009724500680011526000090018330000140019252006390020665000280084565000090087365300170088265300610089965300270096065300220098765300340100965300080104365300080105165300090105965300160106865300180108465300100110265300180111265300170113070000150114770000170116270000160117977301150119510539632019-10-17 2015 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d7 a10.1007/978-81-322-2172-2_22DOI1 aCOZZOLINO, D. aInstrumental techniques and methodsbtheir role in plant omics. c2015 ap. 33-52. aABSTRACT. Techniques and methods based on vibrational spectroscopy such as near-infrared refl ectance (NIR), mid-infrared (MIR) and Raman spectroscopy are known to be non-destructive and low cost.These characteristics are considered as the most important when these methods or techniques are applied in the fi eld of plant omics. This chapter will provide an overview of the most common vibrational spectroscopy techniques used in the fi eld of plant omic analysis (NIR, MIR, Raman). Information about the hardware (instruments) and software (multivariate data methods) will be also presented and discussed. © Springer India 2015. aESPECTROSCOPÍA ÓPTICA aNIRS aCHEMOMETRICS aESPECTROSCOPÍA DE REFLECTANCIA EN EL INFRARROJO CERCANO aESPECTROSCOPÍAS RAMAN aGENÓMICA VEGETAL aMÉTODOS DE ANÁLISIS RÁPIDO aMIR aNIR aNIRS aPLANT OMICS aQUIMIOMETRÍA aRAMAN aRAPID METHODS aSPECTROSCOPY1 aFASSIO, A.1 aRESTAINO, E.1 aVICENTE, E. tIn: Barh, D.; Khan, M.S.; Davies, E. (Eds.), 2015, PlantOmics: The Omics of Plant Science. Springer, p. 33-52.