00721nam a2200205 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000180006024501580007826000620023650000920029865000120039065000140040265300240041670000160044070000110045670000150046770000180048270000150050010539822015-11-24 2013 bl uuuu u01u1 u #d1 aVELAZCO, J.I. aShort-term emission measurements in beef feedlot cattle to demonstrate enteric methane mitigation from dietary nitrate.[Abstract].h[electronic resource] aAdvances in Animal Biosciences, 2013, 4(2), p. 279.c2013 a(Proceedings of the 5th Greenhouse Gases and Animal Agriculture Conference (GGAA 2013)) aBOVINOS aRUMIANTES aEMISIONES DE METANO1 aBREMNER, G.1 aLI, L.1 aLUJBEN, K.1 aHEGARTY, R.S.1 aPERDOK, H.