00712nam a2200181 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000180006024501330007826001740021150000450038565000230043065000110045365000120046470000160047670000200049270000180051210539942015-11-25 2014 bl uuuu u01u1 u #d1 aVELAZCO, J.I. aShort-term measurements to estimate methane emissions by beef cattle using the greenfeed monitoring unit.h[electronic resource] aIn: Garnsworthy, P.C.; Wiseman , J., eds. Recent advances in animal nutrition 2013. Abstract of Poster Presentations. Armidale, Australia : Context. 2014, p. 61-62c2014 aProceedings of the Australia Conference. aEMISIONES DE GASES aMETANO aVACUNOS1 aBREMNER, G.1 aDE BARBIERI, I.1 aHEGARTY, R.S.