00710nam a2200181 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000150006024501310007526001300020630000110033650000850034765000320043270000130046470000160047770000160049370000190050910575692017-09-14 2017 bl uuuu u01u1 u #d1 aPRAVIA, V. aSoil carbon saturation controls soil carbon decomposition and carbon retention of decomposing residues.h[electronic resource] aIn: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SOIL ORGANIC MATTER (6., 3-7 Sep. 2017, HARPENDER, UK9. Proceedings. Harpender, UK: BSSSc2017 ap. 204 aSession 4 a. Mass spectrometry - The key to the soil organic matter "Black Box". aMATERIA ORGÁNICA DEL SUELO1 aSAHA, D.1 aQUINCKE, A.1 aTERRA, J.A.1 aKEMANIAN, A.R.